Quite a number of things happened in the last few days.
On Friday, as i went to the girl's school to fetch them, several parents came up to me (at different times) mengadu and bercerita that CK dok bercerita bad things about me to other parents. Yes! CK strikes again. Mmmm. PHD tak habis-habis. (Please refer to my earlier entry titled PHD to know about CK)
Our PIBG AGM is just around the corner and it seems that CK dok kempen suruh tukar AJKs. As I told my friends, dia bukan nak berhajat nak tukar AJK, dia nak Helena aje to be off the committee. Itu aje....
Actually, the AGM was never on my mind. To me, if I get selected again (I was in the committee for 3 years now), it is a rezeki for me, if tak dapat, pun tak mengapa. Although I have to admit that I love doing the job. In fact, recently Helena wakil sekolah untuk perjumpaan dgn orang Kementrian. It was an eye opener for me and I learnt a lot mengenai hal2 berkaitan proses pembelajaran anak-anak.
But then, although I like the job, taklah sampai Helena nak mempromotekan diri or do something untuk jatuhkan orang lain. Entahla orang2 PHD ni. I couldnt care less la. Immaterial whether I'm an AJK, I still akan menyibuk dalam hal persekolahan anak i. Hehe. Helena pun dah biasa dengan Guru Besar and her GPKs. Tak kuasa nak layan orang low mentallity macam CK ni. Sanggup create stories to say bad things about me.
Well, in the car, at least I got some good news from Anastassia. She said that she got a solo part in Choral Speaking. I was so happy, although to Anastassia, it was nothing to shout about. Well, girl.... you being singled out like that tells me a lot......
On Saturday, went to see Mia as she has a sorethroat. And now I know why... she was selecte to be in the School Choir and they have been rehearsing several hours a day..... patutla tak ada suara...hehe.
And sepintas lalu, Mia said,
"Mama, nanti kita pergi KL dengan sekolah"
"Ada apa? Choir ke."
"Bukan Choir, persembahan lain. Kita orang kena buat performance depan Menteri"
"Menteri mana? Hishamuddin ke?"
"Tak...... Perdana Menteri...."
I chuckled, (gelihati pulak dengan cara tak kisah Mia) and asked her to tell me more about it. But deep inside, I told myself. Pedulikan la CK and her PHDs. My children are doing well and Tuhan sememangnya bersama-sama dengan orang yang teraniaya.
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
U r right.....Y bother what other ppl say...
I just had to search for your earlier entry on this CK person .... and I can't tell you how mortified I am. Yikes, that woman sounds horrible!! I hope your kids are mature enough to just ignore her antics (and her children's as well) but please don't let any bullying get by. Geram betul I baca.
But Helena, your kids seem to be doing so well ..... good for them. I hope that CK woman goes green in the face!
Dad of 4 : Tapi sakit hati tau. Esp knowing the fact that dia tengah all out tarnish my reputation and my good name.
QOTH : Itupun tak semua I share di sini tau.
Now is the choral speaking fever whereby the team gets all the attention, furthermore Anastassia got the solo part. (she's the only malay among 5 students yg dapat solo, and 1 of 2 yg dalam std 5)
Anastassia was also chosen to represent the school in other competitions. I guess all these make CK lagi rasa sakit hati kut.
Actually to me she's not worth my time. Tak berbaloi juga I tulis pasal dia kat blog I ni. Such low mentality. Tapikan terasa sakit hati ni bila dia jaja keburukkan I and anak2 I. So I tulisla kat sini jugak utk lepaskan geram.... hehe
huiii...bahaya betoi org perangai PHD nih...mcm gila kuasa plak...
hai helena tak habis2 ke si CK jadi pedengki?don't bother abt her bak kata org buang karen aje...hehe
the more she talks bad about the more people hopefully will open their eyes and brain!!
congrats to your 2 girls:)
I've learn the art of ignoring apa-apa perkara yg tak mendatangkan faedah dan fokus pada perkara yang mendatangkan hasil. Org2 PHD ni mcm lalat sampah, mereka akan datang dan pergi....
learn to get use to it, someday you might get the chance to snap them with the pemukul lalat ataupun lalat-lalat itu akan terbakar pada mesin pembakar lalat (yg mcm di kedai2 makan tu...zassttt)
just nak tau..CKni bekerjake atau housewife?Kalau bekerja cannot imagine macamana kat office.
PHD..biasala kak Helena..sy sendiri pon selalu terkena. Kat tempat kejela selalu kena..tapi sy kurang setuju with what Sherrina said..depa cam lalat sampah, dtg n pegi..for me, they keep bothering me..kat depan cakap elok...kat blakang..bukan main.ntahla..rasanya sy tak penah kacau org..maybe im the only one clerk kat sini yg ade degree (padahal sy bukan nak keje sini smpai bila2 pon..just cari pengalaman)..so, ramai lecturer snang nak dekat ngan sy, kongsi cerita n mcm2la..lagi satu sy boleh handle problem2 dari international students..terutama Pak Arab..tahula english depa..susah nak paham..hehehe..dari mula2 sy masuk keje sini mmg tak disenangi oleh 'Her'..dia punya jelous very obvious..sy selalu wat dunno je..heheh..tapi..mmg payah nk put ourself kat tengah2 org yg tak suka kita..mmg payah!
iteww orang ada masalah low self esteem tu pasal dia jadik camtuh pergh...
PHD mmg.masalah serius dgn.org.kita tapi sama serius je dgn.kaum2 lain...
13may : bukan gila kuasa aje. Gila segala segi...haha
kak elle : thx. yela, Helena cuba buat donno la. Tak kuasa lah.
sherrina : masalahnya I've start ignoring her dari September 2005. (when we had our confrontation) Tapi lalat tu still off and on buat kacau. Kalau nak ngutuk Helena, I dont care la. Tapi ini siap CREATE cerita. Benda yang tak ada dan tak wujud, dia ada-adakan....
easylady : Dulu dia clerk kat mana ntah. Tapi dah lama sangat dah dia berhenti kerja. So since dia pun tak masak kat rumah, or setakat masak nasi goreng telur everyday, kerja dia hanya go from one house to the other dok menggosip.
Kadang2 bila takde port, tu sebab dia lepak (gosip) kat kantin sekolah dari 10am to 3pm tu. Sampai sekolah buat larangan terus ibubapa masuk sekolah masa school hours. Pasal dia la tu.
rose : yela, maybe dia marah, masa Mia kat sek rendah dulu, Mia menonjol, pastu now, Anastassia menonjol, and then Puteri pun dah start terkenal sebab dia only Malay girl yang highest in all the exams, pastu yang paling tinggi bacaan juz al Qurannya.
So agaknya dia bengangla.... lagi2 anak2 Helena menonjol.... macam takde orang lain. tapi dia kena pahamla.... my kids berusaha to get where they are now. Mengaji pun beriya2. Buat revision sampai ngantuk2. So jangan nak marahkan Helena pulak. And its nothing to do with me being an AJK PIBG.
Oh Ya. Itula modalnya. Anak Helena dapat perks sebab mak dia AJK PIBG.
Sebenarnya, dia beruntung Helena ni AJK PIBG. If I was not, I would make made a HUGE fuss pasal dia kat Guru Besar. Anak dia tendang my daughter taekwondo style, I would make a complaint report kat Guru Besar and Disiplin Teacher. Jabatan Pelajaran pun boleh. Tapi sebab Helena AJKla, I cool down and cuba solve it quietly. Knowing that I represent the parents in my school, and not merely ibu pada anak2 Helena saja.
kc : Helena mmg marah CK for what she made my kids go through. Orang macam ni, memang kalau Helena nampak dari jauh, Helena akan lari tempat lain. Bukannya apa, Helena memang taknak bergaul dgn orang2 begini, dan taknak anak2 bergaul dgn anak2 orang2 begini. Sorryla.
Gobok lama : Typical orang melayu. Very materialistic la konon. Cari kawan pun yang kaya2. (Tapi yang kaya2 tu humble, dia pulak yang riak) Suka banggakan diri and announce dia kaya and banyak duit. KElakar betul. Mmg macam beruk dapat cincin.
helena, since dah baca citer psl PHD dari mula now i can relate the story to this post. what i am most interested is how did yr kids manage to be high-achievers and display humility at the same time...i mean like wowww! must learn from the mom lah...hehe
kc : My kids bukanla high achievers, only Anastassia yg pernah jadi best student. Yang lain top 10 aje. Cuma mereka all rounder. Akademik ok, koko ok and sahsiah diri pun ok.
Maybe it started with Mia. Mia is a shy and timid person. Masa std 2 pun I have to see her teacher just to get jadual waktu masa awal tahun. Dia pemalu and penakut. But luckily I met up with her teacher masa std 3, minta dia kasi Mia buat apa2 kerja, just to give her confidence. And it worked. Std4 dia jadi ketua kelas, bertambah lagi confident level dia, and std 5 jadi prefect and then std 6 jadi AJK Prefect (Patut assistant Head Girl but diberi jawatan Setiausaha sbb Guru Besar taknak all 3 spots conquered by malays) So basically every year, she became braver and with a stronger personality, WHILE maintaining sifat2 pemalu dia tu.
Eh.... sebenarnyakan Helena ni selfish. I'm pushing my children to be what I never was, but wanted to be in my primary days. I wanted to be a prefect, but was never chosen. I wanted to be popular, but I never was that popular although I was in THE group. So bila ada anak, I coached them la. So macam my kids are living my dream la....
Got several calls from my friends and teachers. Mereka pulak yang beriya-iya kempen nak Helena stay as AJK. Well, syukur I have friends who believe in me, although Helena pun bukannya rapat sangat dgn mereka, cuma jumpa sekali sekala di sekolah.
Helena tak kisah. Like I said earlier, ada pros and cons jadi AJK ni. But then if tak jadi AJK PIBG pun, I can always menyibuk volunteer kat sekolah kan.... hehe
mmm... gotta go.... ada anak sorang menangis taknak buat homework....
Biasalah tu Helena, manusia ni macam2 ragamnya.
Suka baca cerita anak2 Helena. :)
setengah2 manusia takkan senang hati bila melihat orang lain lebih dari dia.. aler helena pedulikkan je le.. lagipun masih ada org yang percayakan u, rite?
apa ke hal plak si CK nih. banyak lagi keje lain leh buat. Peduli kan dia.
tahniah for your daughter. buat betul-betul...
Wah..MIA nie cam ABG NBK laa...dulu mula dgn CHOIR ler..skg dah jadi artis...artis kat kilang jerk..he.he.he..
Wan : Glad to know that you enjoyed it.
darling : well, I was selected again as an AJK this year. Actually my name came up for the YDP post, but I lost. Tapi ada yang calonkan kembali semasa pencalonan AJK. Tapi kan darling, I can see that ramai juga yang telah terpengaruh dgn cerita2 CK. Sedih jugak Helena. Yang I tak sedap hati, calon CK pun terpilih sama.
cik dinz : Helena mmg tak peduli, tapi bila dia aniaya my kids balik, Helena terpaksala ambil peduli kan....
nbk : haha! nbk artis kilang ye.... mmmm glamer jugak pe. During PIBG AGM tadi, Mia datang utk terima Anugerah kerana dapat 5As. She was the first one yang dipanggil naik stage and she was interviewed by Pengarah Pelajaran for such a long time. My friends bisik "ai Helena, mesti mendidih lagi CK tu"
Sejuk hati Helena, bila dia masuk gate sekolah, nonstop kawan kerumun dia. Peluk dia sbb dah lama tak jumpa. Considering dulu CK suruh the kids boikot Mia. (Anak CK, tercegat sorang2 kat tepi dewan)
1st of all, congrats helena..
well helena, just do watever u want to.. sooner or later, they (whoever buy with CK's bullshit) will know the truth.
kalau kita kat pihak benar, insyaAllah.. so don't worry & keep smiling ok >)
maybe kita bleh plan tuk mengenakan dia balik.
kalu kita susah kerna dia, kita susahkan dia balik...
cik dinz : kalau nak main balas2, lagi tension hidup Helena ni. So I'll just let it go la.
And to update, someone with authority called me up for a one-to-one talk. Lega rasanya. After hours discussing about this issue, nasihatnya utk Helena, ignore the gossipers, continue to make sure anak2 excel in school.
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