Is it too late to talk about the SPM results?
My eldest, Mia has a long way to go before SPM. Hey, PMR pun tak lepas. But looking at the results published last week, I cant help feeling sorry for the 9A1s, 9As, 8A1, 8As students. (I was told that the minimum subjects to be taken are 9 subjects)
Most students sit for 9 subjects, infact SBP and MRSM students are not allowed to take more than 12 subjects. (if I'm not mistaken) However, my point is that with all the 18As, 17A1s and 16A1s..., orang tak pandang siapa yang dapat 9A1s. Reporter pun tak kisah nak interview, well unless that person is handicapped la kan. Tak kesian ke budak2 9As ni.... they excelled, tapi just because they chose not to take additional subjects, kejayaan mereka seperti diketepikan.
When it is Mia's turn to sit for the ever important exam in 2011, I may want her to just take 9 subjects. But would that limit her chances for the best course and scholarships? Or should I try to talk her into taking 12 subjects, like her collegemate who got 12 A1s? (in which kena tengok her Form 1 to Form 4 results, to know whether she is able to) I prefer not to, I prefer that she enjoys her college life, be active in her koko while maintaining her results in koku. But what if taking 9 subject means that she cant fight for her course. Nanti tak pasal2 dapat jurusan2 yang dia tak minat.
But come to think again, when Mia was in std 6, I did tell to myself, if only Mia can sit additional papers. Make her stand out among the would be 45000 5A students in the country. It is very obvious in Mia's school as even the last class has several 5As. And obviously you can imagine the level of 5A from an A class and the level of 5A from the last class. (Mia's school has almost 100 students getting 5As)
Mmmm..... apalah Helena pikir pasal SPM pulak ni.... PMR pun tak lepas..... hehe
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
sekarang ni memang ramia budak yang pandai2. kalau masa maklang dulu masih boleh bilang dengan jari berapa kerat yang dapat 9A1
betul kata maklang tu. with so many clever children, it is difficult...
still u should think of their future... preferably a future that will reward their braininess and not let them rot in the system.
the thing is, i see a lot of friends who were clever in school and yet today, they are living in ok apartments.
science stream students are not financially better off than their art stream counterpart.
something is definitely wrong with the system.
Memang something wrong somewhere. My uncle, belajar sampai Spm je. Lepas tu main muzik dengan kumpulan carefree. Lepas tu bukak bisnes dan masuk politik dan pernah jadi ketua bahagian Umno. Sekarang tinggal di Bukit Bandaraya kat Ampang tu (if I'm not mistaken). Kereta Mercedes, Toyota harrier. Anak dia pun sampai Spm je result ntah hapa-hapa. Tapi life dia nampak senanglah sebab jadi assistant ayah dia.So, apa yang boleh kita concludekan?
Eh..awai lagi SPM tuh...tah2 nanti dah tukaq nama lain ka...SMS kaa.. SKS kaa...apa kaa...he..he..he.. Tapi ketajaman akai & disiplin utk belajaq dah buleh laa pupuk dari skg...
recently it came out in the news that the govt won't be publishing names of student who scored As like they usually did every year. why? was it something to do that no malay kids ever scored that high since nur amalina? and this year round, mostly non-malays dominated the profile of high achievers. not fair lah...
Hmm..skrg ngan dulu lainn sgt rasa. Yela, zaman org dulu..SPM pakai Gred or akan tanye.."Dapat Gred Bape?" tak tanye.."Ko dapat brapa A?"..hehehe..dulu mana ada sistem terbuka..paling byk kami amek 10 subjek..masa tu 1997..skang ngan dulu..jauh beza kan..tak dapat la nak gambarkan kak Helena..camnela zaman Mia nnti..2011..
### Flashback ##
Teringat masa pegi amek result SPM..lepas dapat result (Boleh tahanla bagusnya) tak sabar2 nak jumpa mak..lepas tunjuk..mak nangis gembira..tulah hadiah2 paling berharga yang selalu org dapat bagi kat mak dulu..tgk org naik pentas..amek hadiah..mak tersenyum bangga tgk..:-)
maklang : mmm.... entahlah budak pandai ke, graph dah turunke, tak pahamla Helena.
Intan : the system dah go hay-wire kut. I wonder how its gonna be with the existance of the soon-to-be Cluster Schools....
edi : i've seen alot of businessman, yg pakai merc, BMW, etc tapi SPM pun tak pass, ada yg PMR pun tak pass. Semua harap political connections aje. Tapi to me education is key la. Bila mereka bukak mulut, mmg taula mereka lack in that area.
nbk : Memang kena pupuk dari sekarang.... start dari awal, let them have strong basics, and they will enjoy learning bila pergi ke sekolah.
KC : how they identify high achievers pun boleh dipertikaikan. Pada mereka high achiever means straight A1s. So meaning 12A1 is high achiever, but 17A1 1A2 is NOT. Funny kan.
Tak masuk paper ke top 100 students. I have the list if you nak.
UPSR last year pun macam tu. Selalunya state akan announce top 30 best student. So tahun lepas, Helena ternanti2 jugak, manalah tau Mia tersenarai. (The year before, 5 schoolmates dia masuk top 10 Negeri) Tup2, Lembaga Peperiksaan kata, starting 2006 mereka tak buat list. (Alasan : taknak stress on exams results) Entah apa2 aje.
Rose : Yela, zaman Helena dulu pakai aggregate, senang je nak identify best student compared to sekarang.
Tak dapat nak bayangkan time Mia nanti. Masa tu Helena akan fenin sebab the same year Mia ambik SPM, Anastassia akan sit for PMR and Puteri sit for UPSR..... adoi..... emak yang pressure sakan..hahha
salam tuan umah....
tersesat datang sini.
have a nice day:)
our education system needs serious improvement - and politics doesn't help!! Kids now have all sorts of opportunities and guidance, that's what makes them smarter (whatmore with smart parents like you guys!!!). Another reason people get As easier is that the big gap between the better students and less able students is SOOOO big that the grading levels are adjusted accordingly for a good overall system for the nation. So, students who don't normally get all As in their normal school exams are usually surprised to get strands of As in the national exam. Pelik tapi benar.
helena cepat nya you dah think ahead...hehe
sorry lah bolih komen on your education system nanti kena boycott...hehe
Sukar kita percaya kan...dulu masa kak lady amik MCE (SPM) yang dpt staight A's boleh dikira dengan sekarang semua tu macam dah biasa kita dengar...
Apa-apa pun memang kita sebagai ibu mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk anak2 kita...tapi Helena...2011 tu jauh lagik tu...heheheh....
13 may : hi .... tersesat takpa.... boleh gak kenal2.... (have been wondering for some time. Why the name 13 may?)
d : You are right. The gap is huge. I would prefer politicians to stay out of our education system though....
kak elle : mmm... tak kisah la... kita open aje.
kak lady : yela jauh lagi kan.... Helena risau gak sebab syllabus Form 4 n Form 5, basicsnya dari Form 1 jugakkan..... So pada Helena, if early secondary foundation is good, time SPM nanti taklah susah sangat kut...
Saja, nak cari benda yang nak dirisaukan.... hehe
nak jugak pikir pasal PMR dan SPM anak, tapi jauh lagi nak sampei tuh......
Helena.. Aiman takes 10 subjects to qualify him to apply for scholarship.
But mendapat banyak A menjamin masa depan ke? I prefer my children to be the soleh and solehah children with mediocre marks becos that will help me in my next "alam". But if the excel in education that is bonus for me
cik dinz : perjalanan cik dinz memang sangat jauh lagi.... hehe
sya : well, i believe in preparing them in both worlds. Try to excel in both worlds. Alhamdullillah setakat ni Mia membanggakan Helena dari segi akademik dan juga bab2 agama. She's always chosen by her Ustazah in school utk wakil sekolah. She won a her first hafalan Al Quran competition as early as 6 yrs old whereby she was the youngest contestant, competing against 12 year olds.. I'm trying my very best to juggle between both worlds, you see. And I'm happy to see that the rest are following suit.
helena, i once sat in a school assembly and the teacher kept refering to pelajar cemerlang as in the 8As students (pmr result la ni). and dia boleh kata those yang dapat 7A and 6A okay, tapi bukan pelajar cemerlang!...i yang dengar tension giler, ni kan pulak students yang score 6A or 7A - sure rasa macam failures tak pasal2 je.
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